Vintage Revival 330ml
Pale Bitter | 3.8% | 12×330ml
Brewed to revive you when you need it most. A modern reimagining of a classic session bitter, combining American hops with a British sense of balance and drinkability. One of the top rated beers of its style in the world. Last chance to get cases of Revival in our legacy packaging! BBE:14/03/25
Always unfiltered, unfined and unpasteurised. Always vegan friendly. Store in a cool dark place and drink fresh at 12ºC.
Pale Bitter | 3.8% | 12×330ml
Brewed to revive you when you need it most. A modern reimagining of a classic session bitter, combining American hops with a British sense of balance and drinkability. One of the top rated beers of its style in the world. Last chance to get cases of Revival in our legacy packaging! BBE:14/03/25
Always unfiltered, unfined and unpasteurised. Always vegan friendly. Store in a cool dark place and drink fresh at 12ºC.
Pale Bitter | 3.8% | 12×330ml
Brewed to revive you when you need it most. A modern reimagining of a classic session bitter, combining American hops with a British sense of balance and drinkability. One of the top rated beers of its style in the world. Last chance to get cases of Revival in our legacy packaging! BBE:14/03/25
Always unfiltered, unfined and unpasteurised. Always vegan friendly. Store in a cool dark place and drink fresh at 12ºC.