Live IPA
American IPA | 5.5% | 440ml
The supercharged aromatics of American hops are highlighted with a balanced malt base, this highly drinkable I.P.A. is refreshing, crisp and delicious.
Always unfiltered, unfined and unpasteurised. Always vegan friendly. Store in a cool dark place and drink fresh at 11ºC.
American IPA | 5.5% | 440ml
The supercharged aromatics of American hops are highlighted with a balanced malt base, this highly drinkable I.P.A. is refreshing, crisp and delicious.
Always unfiltered, unfined and unpasteurised. Always vegan friendly. Store in a cool dark place and drink fresh at 11ºC.
American IPA | 5.5% | 440ml
The supercharged aromatics of American hops are highlighted with a balanced malt base, this highly drinkable I.P.A. is refreshing, crisp and delicious.
Always unfiltered, unfined and unpasteurised. Always vegan friendly. Store in a cool dark place and drink fresh at 11ºC.